“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
The FDA has grown increasingly aggressive in enforcing food and drug laws. It not only asserts the power to regulate interstate commerce; it also often asserts the authority to regulate food and drugs within state lines, including raw milk, CBD, and even meat. But the...
The war being waged against our rights under the pretext of controlling infectious disease is not new and didn’t arise with COVID-19. Vaccine freedom advocates have been fighting this war for years, attempting to protect those rights. With their experience, they have...
Americans will potentially be subject to a lifetime schedule of mandated vaccines in the very near future. This would be an expansion of the childhood mandates already in place. Mandated vaccinations constitute state planning of our immune systems and, for the reasons...
Food freedom flourishes in states where government regulators simply get out of the way. The proof is in the pudding – the and cakes and the bread and the raw milk. According to a recent Forbes article, hundreds of local business have sprouted up across three...
On May 31, the FDA held its first hearing on CBD. After the meeting, the same questions remain as before: will the federal agency continue to maintain its current regulation and prohibition of hemp-derived cannabinoids? Or will it give in to market forces and open the...