The Tyranny of the Majority

The Tyranny of the Majority

“Which is better — to be ruled by one tyrant three thousand miles away, or three thousand tyrants one mile away?” -Rev. Mather Blyes (1706-1788) Does it really matter if the instrument curtailing liberty is a monarch or a popularly elected legislature?...
Why Does Federal Power Constantly Expand?

Why Does Federal Power Constantly Expand?

We often hear people on both sides of the political aisle complaining about the expansion of federal power. And yet, federal power constantly expands. Why? If everybody is worried about federal encroachment and overreach, why doesn’t anybody do anything to stop it?...
Why James Madison Hated Democracy

Why James Madison Hated Democracy

by Ryan McMaken, Mises Institute Why was James Madison so critical of democracies? Moreover, why was he so concerned about them when, according to the definition he provided, “democracies” basically don’t exist anywhere, either in his time or in our...