Featured Articles

The Founders and the Constitution: George Washington

The Founders and the Constitution: George Washington

Our first president also had to address some constitutional questions whose answers were unclear. But the fact that he provided answers doesn’t justify accusing him of usurpation ...
When John C. Calhoun Sided With "Yankees" on the Constitution

When John C. Calhoun Sided With “Yankees” on the Constitution

It's a perspective many today should consider before they turn to the federal government to exercise illegal powers for short-term gain ...
How the Government Weaponizes Surveillance to Silence Its Critics

How the Government Weaponizes Surveillance to Silence Its Critics

Advances in technology have enabled the government to deploy a veritable arsenal of surveillance weapons in order to “expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize” perceived threats to the government’s ...
Countering Relentless Propaganda and Widespread Ignorance

Countering Relentless Propaganda and Widespread Ignorance

In order to keep moving in that direction we need to up our game - and now. That’s why I’m sharing with you this brief roadmap of just some of ...
The Founders and the Constitution: Alexander Hamilton

The Founders and the Constitution: Alexander Hamilton

As John Lansing suggested, Hamilton’s public reassurances of how the Constitution limited federal power were not fully sincere ...
Reversing Incorporation?

Reversing Incorporation?

The Incorporation Doctrine is a commonly accepted constitutional interpretation asserting that the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution made the Bill of Rights enforceable by the federal government against the ...
Neither Liberty Nor Safety

Neither Liberty Nor Safety

We have reposed the Constitution into the hands of those who have subverted it. Their subversions have protected only their own power. They have upheld neither our liberty nor our ...
Growing US Debt Menaces Liberty and Prosperity

Growing US Debt Menaces Liberty and Prosperity

Congress and the administration will continue to pretend they are addressing the spending problem by “reducing in the projected rate of spending growth,” and other gimmicks ...
Mandates Again? Refuse to Comply. Nullify.

Mandates Again? Refuse to Comply. Nullify.

With reports of mask mandates coming back  - and predictions of them becoming widespread in the near future - we're glad to see a pretty significant number of people posting ...
The Incorporation Doctrine Waters Down the Second Amendment

The Incorporation Doctrine Waters Down the Second Amendment

Incorporation sounds good on the surface. It promises to hold states in check and protect our rights. But it doesn’t work that way in practice. Instead, it allows federal judges ...
The Founders and the Constitution: John Rutledge

The Founders and the Constitution: John Rutledge

Some modern authors have marginalized Rutledge, favoring the flashiness of Gouverneur Morris or the democratic instincts of James Wilson. But the finished Constitution contained far more of Rutledge than of ...
Federalist Papers or Anti-Federalist Papers: Which Is the Most Reliable Source for Interpreting the Constitution?

Federalist Papers or Anti-Federalist Papers: Which Is the Most Reliable Source for Interpreting the Constitution?

Read for yourself and come to your own conclusions about which side’s arguments were more accurate or authoritative. There is no need to drink downstream when you can drink clear ...

The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



Featured Articles

On the Constitution, history, the founders, and analysis of current events.

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Nullification news, quick takes, history, interviews, podcasts and much more.

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State of the Nullification Movement

232 pages. History, constitutionality, and application today.

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Path to Liberty

Our flagship podcast. Michael Boldin on the constitution, history, and strategy for liberty today

path to liberty


maharrey minute

The title says it all. Mike Maharrey with a 1 minute take on issues under a 10th Amendment lens. maharrey minute

Tenther Essentials

2-4 minute videos on key Constitutional issues - history, and application today


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The 10th Amendment

History, meaning, and purpose - the "Foundation of the Constitution."

10th Amendment



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