Americans will potentially be subject to a lifetime schedule of mandated vaccines in the very near future. This would be an expansion of the childhood mandates already in place.

Mandated vaccinations constitute state planning of our immune systems and, for the reasons discussed below, are as harmful to our health as state planning is to our economy.

The human immune system, like an economy, is an extremely complex, self-regulating system. Just as natural laws and forces drive an economy, they also drive an immune system.

The Failures of State Economic Intervention

State intervention causes unintended consequences and ignores opportunity costs.

Followers of the Austrian school of economics, a school of free-market economics, understand that a complex system of spontaneous, naturally occurring economic phenomena exist, which harmonize human activity and uplift society. They further understand that state intervention disrupts this system, causing harmful unintended consequences and ignoring opportunity costs.

Examples of unintended consequences of state economic intervention are rent control reducing the incentive to own rental properties, thereby shrinking the supply of rental units, and the minimum wage making labor more expensive, thereby reducing the hiring of unskilled labor.

Examples of economic opportunity costs are when the state usurps funds from businesses through taxation, using the funds to pay bureaucrats’ salaries or for some other purpose, but at the cost of the businesses having fewer funds to hire new employees or to buy new equipment.

State intervention is often a “racket” to promote special interests

The Austrians also understand the “racket” aspect to state economic intervention and planning—that it’s usually driven by a desire to promote special interests, rather than by concern for the public.

An example of this occurred when the first transcontinental railroads were built in the U.S., not driven by the needs of the populace, but rather as a taxpayer-funded scheme to benefit wealthy railroad owners.

“Regulatory capture” is another element of this racket. It occurs when governmental agencies, purportedly in existence to protect consumers, are influenced by the corporations they regulate to protect corporate interests over those of the public.

The historical record is often distorted to support state intervention

The Austrians further understand that there have been distortions of the historical record to garner support for economic intervention. An example of this is the oft-repeated myth that, before the imposition of the Federal Reserve System, the American economy experienced a regular series of financial panics and that the Federal Reserve ended them and caused economic stability.

The above insights from Austrian economics are instructive when applied to mandatory vaccinations.

When the state interferes with the immune system through mandated vaccinations, a multitude of harmful unintended consequences and opportunity costs occur.

Additionally, there’s a “racket” aspect to vaccine mandates, as corporate interests wholly unrelated to the advancement of human health play a role in the mandates and state vaccine policy.

Further, the state narrative on vaccines contains distortions and omissions of fact.

These issues are discussed below, but first, the current status of vaccine mandates is reviewed.

Overview of the Current Status of Vaccine Mandates in the U.S.

The administration of vaccines occurs largely outside of normal liability rules

In the U.S., the manufacturers of many vaccines have been afforded highly unusual liability protections.

Under U.S. law, all claims of harm pertaining to vaccines recommended by the CDC for routine use in children must proceed under a special system called the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP). Under this system, the vaccine manufacturers are shielded from liability, and taxpayers, rather than vaccine manufacturers, fund any award of damages through the payment of an excise tax. The CDC recommends some of these childhood vaccines for use in adults, such as the influenza vaccine, and, for these vaccines, the manufacturers’ shield from liability also extends to adult use.

The federal government has also granted protection from liability to the manufacturers of future COVID-19 vaccines.

In the NVICP process, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is the defendant and taxpayer-funded Department of Justice (DOJ) attorneys defend against the claims, generally arguing that the reported injuries were not caused by vaccines and for the denial of compensation.

Additionally, under the NVICP process, vaccine manufacturers are not subject to discovery. Discovery is the process that allows parties to seek relevant information and records from each other during litigation, often requiring corporate defendants to produce records such as e-mails and research data and to answer interrogatories and requests for admissions.

The removal of liability and lack of discovery are nearly unique to the vaccine industry and are a stark departure from the legal liability rules applicable to the manufacturers of most products.

To date, over $4 billion has been paid out under the NVICP for claims of harm caused by vaccines.

The business of vaccines occurs outside of the free markets

The administration of vaccines in the U.S. occurs wholly outside of the context of free markets.

The federal government acts as a major player in the purchase of vaccines. It buys approximately half of all vaccines administered to children pursuant to a program called the Vaccines for Children Program.

It’s also a player in vaccine patents and collaborates with pharmaceutical companies to develop new vaccines.

In addition to purchasing vaccines, the state plays another role in drumming up business for the vaccine industry: it mandates the use of its product. This creates forced demand, bestowing upon the industry the benefit of extremely high product sales. This also spares the vaccine industry from marketing costs, which are essentially shifted to the taxpayers.

The factors discussed above make vaccines one of the fastest-growing sources of revenue for the pharmaceutical industry. For example, it’s been reported that a vaccine (Prevnar 13) has recently been the product that generated the most sales for Pfizer, rather than a drug. It’s been estimated that the global vaccine market will reach a total revenue of nearly $60 billion in 2020, almost doubling the size of the market it had in 2014.

Governmental agencies regulating vaccines have failed to require adequate safety testing

There’s ample evidence that the federal agencies tasked with regulating the vaccine industry have fallen prey to regulatory capture.

First, the CDC and FDA have allowed those with financial conflicts of interest to be highly involved in the regulatory process. For example, the CDC has an advisory committee on the use of vaccines and the CDC has permitted members of the committee with financial ties to the vaccine industry, and those with financial conflicts of interest, to participate the committee’s deliberations regarding vaccine use. Such members have also been permitted to advocate positions during the advisory committee process.

Additionally, a “revolving door” exists between U.S. agencies responsible for regulating the vaccine industry and vaccine manufacturers. This has, at times, involved high-level personnel in key positions, such as Julie Gerberding, who was director of the CDC from 2002 to 2009 and, after leaving the CDC, took a position as head of Merck’s vaccine division.

Regulatory capture may at least partially explain why governmental safety testing requirements for vaccines are less than rigorous.

Vaccine safety trials are generally designed and conducted by the vaccine manufacturers themselves.

Further, the FDA classifies vaccines as “biologics” rather than “drugs,” thereby allowing vaccine manufacturers to forego the multi-year, double-blind, inert placebo-controlled studies required for drug approval. Almost all vaccine safety studies are conducted without a control group of unvaccinated individuals receiving nothing but an inert placebo.

Generally, if a “control group” is used during a vaccine safety study, the group receives a substance which is not inert, such as another vaccine or an adjuvant such as aluminum. (An adjuvant is a substance added to some vaccines to increase the immunogenic responses of antigens and to thereby stimulate the immune system.) For example, when Merck conducted clinical studies for the Gardasil 9 vaccine, it used the original Gardasil vaccine as the “placebo” in the control groups and both vaccines contain an aluminum adjuvant.

Just as the FDA hasn’t required individual vaccines to undergo true placebo-controlled studies for approval, the CDC hasn’t required its schedules of recommended vaccines to undergo studies comparing those vaccinated in accordance with the schedules with a “control group” of unvaccinated individuals. This is despite evidence indicating that unvaccinated children and children receiving less than the full CDC schedule of vaccines have better health outcomes than those who receive the full schedule.

Additionally, most vaccines are subject to very short periods of monitoring for adverse reactions, often of 14 days or less.

Any safety testing for a COVID-19 vaccine will likely be even less rigorous than the norm for vaccines, as the Trump Administration has indicated that it will allow for the development of a COVID-19 vaccine under an accelerated timeline.

Such lax governmental safety standards certainly demonstrate a point made by Dr. Mary Ruwart in her book Death by Regulation: How We Were Robbed of a Golden Age of Health and How We Can Reclaim It—that governmental agencies often fail to protect consumers and that consumer protection can most effectively be achieved through private certification companies testing products and rating and/or certifying their safety. Under such a scenario, private certification agencies operating within the free market would compete with each other and be incentivized by market forces to be as accurate as possible in rating and certifying products.

Ruwart cites as an example of this the Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL), a private certifying agency that tests appliances and electrical hardware and grants, to those that meet its standards, its UL Seal of Approval. Most retailers will not sell appliances without the UL Seal of Approval and Ruwart points out that this voluntary, private certifying agency has been successfully keeping consumers safe for decades. She further points out that, if FDA approval for the products it regulates became optional rather than required, third-party drug testing and certification could become part of the “consumer landscape” to protect consumers.

State childhood exemptions are being rolled back and eliminated

Currently, in the U.S., vaccine mandates exist at the state level and apply only to children (with the exception of vaccines mandated for adults in some fields of employment). However, federal mandates appear to be on the horizon and will likely apply to both adults and children.

States have historically allowed all or some of the following types of exemptions from mandates: 1) religious; 2) medical; 3) philosophical. Recently, there’s been a growing trend toward states bolstering their mandates by rolling back or eliminating exemptions. New York, Washington, Maine and California are examples of states that have recently done so.

The pharmaceutical industry has been highly involved in efforts to strengthen state mandates and to roll back exemptions. For example, a lobbying firm with reported financial backing from vaccine manufacturers recently funded an advertising campaign in Maine aimed at defeating a ballot measure to reverse the legislative removal of religious and philosophical exemptions in that state. (The ballot measure was voted upon and did not pass.) Other actions by the pharmaceutical industry along these lines have included, among other things, serving as “information resources” for legislators, lobbying legislators, conducting consumer marking campaigns and even drafting pro-mandate legislation.

Adult mandates, and mandates issued at the federal level, are likely imminent in the U.S.

The pharmaceutical industry has also been supportive of imposing federal vaccine mandates. Although the U.S. currently has no federal mandates, other countries have issued mandates at the national level, and there’s reason to believe that the U.S. may follow suit.

In February of 2019, Dr. Scott Gottlieb, then Commissioner of the FDA, made comments to CNN indicating that the federal government has the authority to mandate vaccines and could step in with mandates if states don’t require more children to be vaccinated. Gottlieb made the comments shortly before resigning as FDA Commissioner in May of 2019 and joining the Board of Directors of Pfizer, Inc., a vaccine manufacturer, in June of 2019.

There’s also reason to believe that any future federal mandates in the U.S. may apply to adults as well as children. The CDC has both a childhood vaccine schedule and an adult one. The feds have explicitly stated the goals of increasing overall vaccination rates and increasing rates specifically in the adult population. These goals are discussed in the National Vaccine Plan (NVP) and the National Adult Immunization Plan (NAIP), respectively, which can be found on HHS’s website.

Further, in 2012, the World Health Assembly endorsed the Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP), which includes as part of one of its strategic objectives “creating strategies for reaching individuals throughout their life course”. [Emphasis supplied.]

Italy, France, Romania and Germany are examples of countries that have recently issued vaccine mandates at the federal level. Argentina is another example, and its mandates apply to both children and adults. In December of 2018, Argentina enacted a law mandating its entire 20 vaccine schedule upon both children and adults, with proof of vaccination required not only to attend school but also to obtain important government documents such as passports, driver’s licenses, and Argentina’s National Identity Documents. Some believe that Argentina’s vaccine policy may serve as a blueprint for other countries, including the U.S.

Some believe that the COVID-19 infections occurring in 2020 will be used as a basis to advance the global push for vaccine mandates. In fact, Denmark has already passed legislation authorizing forced vaccination against COVID-19.

The CDC vaccine schedules have rapidly expanded since the removal of liability

U.S. federal mandates are expected to be based upon the CDC’s vaccine schedules. Since the removal of liability for vaccine manufacturers discussed above, the number of vaccines recommended by the CDC and the vaccine industry has grown significantly.

In 1983, the CDC recommended 24 doses of 7 childhood vaccines. This was prior to the aforementioned removal of liability which began, in part, under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. The CDC now recommends upwards of 70 doses of 16 vaccines by age 18.

With the growing number of recommended vaccines, a person receiving all of the recommended doses on both the CDC’s childhood and adult schedules would receive a lifetime total of nearly 150 doses.

Further, over 250 new vaccines are being developed by American pharmaceutical companies alone, and it’s expected that many will be added to the CDC’s schedules.

If the schedules are mandated by federal law, Americans will continue to be subject to them even as more vaccines and doses are added. Additionally, federal vaccine mandates will likely lay the groundwork for federal mandates of other medical interventions.

Forced vaccinations violate the right to informed consent and the Nuremberg Code

In light of the fact that vaccination is a medical intervention that carries the risks of injury and death, forced vaccinations are one of the gravest infringements upon personal liberty that exist, signifying state ownership of our bodies. They are a gross violation of the right to informed consent, a central ethical principle of modern medicine.

The concept of informed consent is based, in part, upon the Nuremberg Code, which was issued in 1947 by the Nuremberg Tribunal in connection with the conviction of Nazi doctors for forced medical experimentation upon concentration camp prisoners. Although the Nuremberg Code specifically addressed the right to informed consent for participation in scientific experiments, the first principle of the Nuremberg Code has become an ethical standard for patients’ right to informed consent to all medical interventions that carry a risk of harm. It states, in part:

“The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved, as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision…” [Italics supplied.]

Forced vaccinations interfere with the doctor-patient relationship

Forced vaccinations also interfere with the doctor-patient relationship because they transfer the right to make decisions regarding vaccinations from the individual, in consultation with any medical professional of his or her choosing, to the state.

In fact, California Senator Dr. Richard Pan, who was heavily involved in both the recent elimination of all non-medical exemptions in California and in the recent narrowing of the state’s medical exemption, has expressed the view that doctors only perform an “administrative role” with respect to medical exemptions. In 2018, he co-authored an article entitled, “Vaccine Medical Exemptions Are a Delegated Public Health Authority”, which states in part:

“Policymakers should recognize that granting MEs to legally required vaccines is not the practice of medicine but a delegation of state authority to licensed physicians to protect public health and individuals. Essentially, physicians are fulfilling an administrative role: certifying to the state that a patient meets professionally recognized criteria that justify granting an ME.” [Italics supplied.]

Pan has reportedly been the recipient of $95,150 in pharmaceutical industry campaign donations.

Unintended Consequences Related to Vaccines

There are many examples of both unintended consequences and opportunity costs related to vaccine mandates—far too many to cover in one article. However, below is a discussion of some of them.

Adverse reactions are not an intended purpose of vaccination. In fact, they’re counter to that purpose, which is to improve health. However, they can and do occur. They may be the most obvious, and most familiar, unintended consequence that occurs in connection with vaccinations.

Federal regulations require vaccine manufacturers to list on vaccine package inserts “adverse events for which there is some basis to believe there is a causal relationship between the drug and the occurrence of the adverse event.” The packages inserts can be accessed through the FDA’s website.

Package inserts generally include a lengthy list of adverse reactions. Many of these are serious and/or potentially fatal conditions. For example, the package insert for Merck’s MMR II vaccine contains the following adverse reactions, among others: panniculitis; atypical measles, vasculitis, diabetes mellitus, thrombocytopenia, regional lymphadenopathy, anaphylaxis and anaphylactoid reactions, angioneurotic edema, bronchial spasm, arthritis, arthralgia, myalgia, encephalitis and encephalopathy.

The federal government has established a passive system for reporting adverse events following vaccines, called the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). However, the system isn’t consistently used following adverse reactions. A 2010 study prepared for HHS by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc. reported that less than 1% of adverse events following vaccinations are ever reported to VAERS. Despite this low reporting rate, the VAERS data file for 2019, accessible through the HHS website, contains 48,392 entries for VAERS identification numbers assigned to VAERS reporting events.

Below is a discussion of several examples of unintended consequences associated with specific vaccines.

Unintended consequences of the DTP vaccine and DTaP vaccines

Most Americans know of pertussis as “whooping cough.” The following vaccines have been recommended by the CDC, at various time, in connection with pertussis: the diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and whole-cell pertussis (DTP) vaccine; the diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis (DTaP) vaccine; and the tetanus toxoid, reduced diphtheria toxoid and acellular pertussis, adsorbed (Tdap) vaccine. (Tdap is the version recommended for adolescents and adults, whereas DTaP is recommended for younger children.)

In the 1990s, the CDC replaced its recommendation for the DTP vaccine with recommendations for the DTaP and Tdap vaccines. Although use of the DTP vaccine has ceased in the U.S., it’s still used in other parts of the world.

Dangerous unintended consequences have emerged in connection with use of the DTP vaccine.  It has been shown that, although the vaccine reduces the incidence in children of the targeted conditions (diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis), it weakens their overall immune systems, increasing susceptibility to other infections and increasing mortality. In 2017 Dr. Peter Aaby published a study comparing the mortality of DTP-vaccinated children with that of non-DTP-vaccinated children in a community in Guinea-Bissau which found that children vaccinated with DTP were 10 times more likely to die in the first 6 months of life than the unvaccinated; all available evidence suggested that DTP vaccine may kill more children from other causes than it saves from diphtheria, tetanus or pertussis; and children vaccinated with DTP were dying from causes never associated with the DTP vaccine, such as respiratory infections, diarrhea, and malaria.

An additional unintended consequence of use of the DTaP vaccine has been the mutation of the bacteria that causes pertussis, Bordetella pertussis, as a result of growing resistance to the vaccine. This adaptation is also referred to as vaccine selective pressure.

Although the public is generally aware that bacterial resistance can occur in connection with antibiotic use, it seems to be unaware that organisms, including bacteria and viruses, can mutate in connection with vaccine use.

Evidence is also emerging that the measles virus is potentially mutating as a result of vaccine selective pressure. For example, a 2017 article discusses a D4.2 subgenotype of the measles virus isolated in France and Great Britain which has potentially mutated as a result of vaccine selective pressure.

Unintended consequences of the chickenpox vaccine

Chickenpox and shingles both stem from the same varicella-zoster virus (VZV). Chickenpox is generally mild when experienced in childhood and historically was viewed as a benign childhood rite of passage. Having chickenpox during childhood is associated with fewer risks than having it later in life and having chickenpox in childhood is also associated with fewer risks than having shingles as an adult.

Two vaccines are used in the U.S. for chickenpox: Varivax and ProQuad. These vaccines, and one vaccine used for shingles in the U.S., Zostavax, are made from live, attenuated VZV virus. One harmful unintended consequence of using these vaccines is the potential for transmitting vaccine-strain VZV through shedding after receiving them.

Those receiving a live virus attenuated vaccine can shed vaccine-strain live virus in their body fluids, potentially causing the vaccine-strain virus to be transmitted to others. In fact, in 2018 the FDA posted a warning that immunocompromised persons and pregnant women should avoid those administered Varivax for up to six weeks after vaccination because vaccinated individuals can transmit the vaccine virus through viral shedding. The potential for shedding is also discussed on the package inserts for Varivax, ProQuad and Zostavax.

It should be noted that other live attenuated vaccines are used in the U.S. (some viral and some bacterial), including the following: measles, mumps, rubella (MMR), rotavirus, smallpox and yellow fever.

Further, although the version of the polio vaccine used in the U.S. is not live attenuated, a live attenuated version of the vaccine, the oral polio vaccine (OPV), is used in some other countries and has recently caused more cases of polio than the wild polio virus has caused.

In addition to the potential for shedding, there are additional harmful unintended consequences from the use of the chickenpox vaccine, discussed below.

Before widespread use of the chickenpox vaccine in the U.S., children infected with chickenpox helped boost adults’ immunity to shingles by inhibiting the latent VZV’s reactivation in adults. However, there’s evidence that the reduction in childhood chickenpox infections from use of the chickenpox vaccine causes an increase in shingles cases due to loss of this boosting effect.

The increase in shingles from widespread use of the chickenpox vaccine impacts both children and adults. The Children’s Health Defense’s April 25, 2019 article entitled “Childhood Shingles Resulting from Chickenpox Vaccination: ‘Rare’ or Predictable” effectively summarizes this impact upon children and young adults and states, in part:

“[B]ecause varicella vaccine-induced immunity decreases by 8 percent with each year since vaccination, previously vaccinated young adults are at increased risk for varicella outbreaks and potential complications later in life. In short, while the reduced circulation of wild chickenpox virus may spare some healthy children a benign case of chickenpox, children now face the more serious risk of developing shingles at young ages and chickenpox at older ages.” [Italics supplied.]

Due to these issues, the United Kingdom has never included the chickenpox vaccine in its childhood schedule.

In fact, the childhood vaccine schedules of countries around the world are not uniform. Discrepancies in the schedules should cause pause for those who believe that the state should decide whether children should be vaccinated and, if so, under what schedule. The discrepancies reflect an obviouse lack of consensus by governments on the issue of vaccinations.

Unintended consequences of the MMR vaccine with regard to measles

Harmful unintended consequences have also resulted from the use of the MMR vaccine.

In the pre-vaccine era, a natural pattern had emerged whereby measles generally occurred within the group least likely to be harmed from it, children, and those more likely to suffer serious complications from measles, infants and adults, were afforded protection from it. Unfortunately, the widespread use of the measles vaccine has destroyed this natural pattern.

Prior to the use of vaccines, the annual death rate in the U.S. from measles was low, at approximately 1 in 10,000 of those infected. Of course, not every American was infected with measles each year, so the overall annual death rate among the entire U.S. population from measles was far lower than this. With this low death rate, having measles in the pre-vaccine era was typically viewed as a benign childhood rite of passage, such as with chickenpox.

It should be noted that, in some instances, the media and government have provided an estimate of the U.S. pre-vaccine era annual measles death rate which is an order of magnitude higher than cited above, i.e., 1 in 1,000. Such calculations are generally based on the method of using reported cases as the denominator rather than overall cases. This method is deceptive because most measles cases were not reported in the pre-vaccine era.

It should also be noted that in 2020 we’re experiencing some media reports of COVID-19 death rates which are also based upon this flawed method of using reported cases as the denominator rather than overall cases.

In the pre-vaccine era, only the wild strain of the measles virus existed. During that era, most people were infected with measles only once and this occurred during childhood. This one-time infection generally conferred lifelong protection from measles.

For females, being infected with measles during childhood also had a beneficial effect for their offspring. Mothers who are infected with wild virus measles during childhood generally develop, and then pass to their infants, protective antibodies, in a process called passive immunity. This confers protection from measles to infants during infancy. Vaccination interferes with this process, preventing the contraction of measles during childhood and thereby affecting the level of passive immunity mothers pass to their infants. Although some maternal passive immunity is passed from mothers who were vaccinated during childhood to their infants, it is a less robust level of passive immunity than that passed by an unvaccinated mother who was infected with wild strain measles during her childhood.

Although widespread use of the measles vaccine has been achieved in the U.S., failure of the vaccine’s effectiveness, combined with the vaccine’s interference with maternal passive immunity, has resulted in the unintended consequence of widening the age distribution of the infection, thereby increasing its incidence in those most at risk (infants and adults).

Further, the vaccine strain of measles can cause a condition with rash and fever which may be clinically indistinguishable from a measles infection.  Approximately 5 percent of those receiving a measles vaccine experience this vaccine strain condition. For example, during the well-known 2015 California Disneyland outbreak and subsequent U.S. measles cases that year, laboratory virus sequences were available for 194 of the cases and, of those, 73 (38 percent) were identified as vaccine strain sequences.

Unintended consequences of the MMR vaccine with regard to mumps

There have also been detrimental unintended consequences from the use of the MMR vaccine with regard to mumps.

Generally, mumps is relatively harmless when experienced in young children, who often exhibit no symptoms. However, when adolescents or adults have mumps, they’re more likely to experience serious effects, including inflammation of the brain, the membranes covering the brain and spinal cords, the pancreas, the ovaries, the parotid glands and the testicles. Further, having mumps as an adolescent male can cause orchitis, a condition that can cause infertility.

Due to the ineffectiveness of the MMR vaccine, there has been an increase in the size and number of mumps outbreaks in highly vaccinated populations. Further, the use of the vaccine has acted to postpone the onset of mumps, shifting it to older individuals who are at much greater risk of the complications discussed above.

Autoimmune disorders and other conditions may be unintended consequences of vaccines

There is evidence linking some vaccine ingredients with serious, chronic medical conditions. Therefore, the risk of developing a lifelong, chronic condition in exchange for dodging a non-serious infectious condition may be yet another unintended consequence of vaccine mandates.

The ingredients in vaccines differ according to their type. However, many vaccines contain substances that are known toxins or have raised safety concerns, such as aluminum, DNA from aborted fetal human tissue, antibiotics, formaldehyde, mercury, Polysorbate 80, bovine extract, egg protein, and monosodium glutamate (MSG). Some vaccines also contain animal DNA.

Those who favor vaccine mandates often mischaracterize “anti-vaxxers” as primarily being concerned with the antigens in vaccines. In fact, those opposed to vaccine mandates most often cite the adjuvants in vaccines as their most concerning ingredient. This is because multiple adjuvants have been found to be associated with systematic adverse events.

Aluminum is one example of an adjuvant which may lead to the development of chronic conditions.

American children vaccinated in accordance with the CDC’s schedule receive a substantial amount of aluminum.  A recent study found the schedule to be 15.9 times over the recommended safe level of aluminum when researchers adjusted for body weight and it estimated that a child who followed the schedule would be in a state of “chronic toxicity” for 70 percent of the child’s first seven months of life.

Studies have associated aluminum with multiple serious conditions, such as autism; autoimmune diseases; Alzheimer’s disease; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS); brain inflammation; motor neuron degeneration; and behavioral abnormalities in animals, including bizarre anti-social behavior in sheep.

Opportunity Costs Related to Vaccines and Vaccine Mandates

In addition to harmful unintended consequences resulting from vaccine mandates, there are opportunity costs associated with them.

In the pre-vaccine era, children generally experienced acute febrile infections during childhood, such as measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox and influenza. In modern day America, we’ve been taught to fear these infections. This view overlooks the fact that experiencing these infections during childhood confers some long-term health benefits. Eliminating or reducing the infections through vaccine use comes with the cost of losing these health benefits.

The human immune system has two subsystems which respond to infections, known as the innate (non-specific) immune system and the adaptive (specific) immune system. These subsystems are closely linked and work together.

The non-specific immune system provides a general defense against harmful organisms and primarily works using immune cells such as natural killer cells and phagocytes. The specific immune system makes antibodies and uses them to fight specific organisms that the body has previously come into contact with, in a process known as “acquired” or specific immune response. Vaccines by-pass the non-specific immune system and are designed to trigger a protective response via the specific immune system.

Multiple research studies indicate that having, and recovering from, acute febrile infections during childhood strengthens the non-specific immune system and confers some protection against chronic conditions later in life. These studies are too numerous to discuss in the instant article, but several are referred to below.

  • A study found that infections may play a role in cancer development, with acute infections being antagonistic to the development of cancer (meningioma, glioma, melanoma and multiple cancers combined).
  • A study found that individuals who had not experienced a measles infection had substantial increases in rates of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma and Hodgkin Lymphoma.
  • A study found that being infected with measles and mumps is associated with lower risks of mortality from atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.
  • A study found that adults with glioma, a condition that causes tumors of the brain and spinal cord, were less likely than controls to have previously been infected with the chickenpox virus (VZV).
  • A study found a lower cancer risk for patients with a history of febrile infectious childhood diseases, particularly with respect to non-breast cancers.

Distortion of the Historical Record with regard to Vaccines

Most of the public understands that information about conflicts of interest, corruption and cronyism are generally left out of public-school history lessons. However, that same public is often resistant to the idea that critical historical facts have also been left out of the historical narrative they’ve been taught regarding vaccines.

In fact, the myths and misinformation taught in public-school about vaccines are on par with those taught about the economy, the monetary system and war. They’re too voluminous to fully address in this article. However, one of the myths is that vaccines were the main reason for the decline of infectious diseases in the U.S.

Contrary to popular belief, death rates from infectious diseases plummeted in the U.S. before the widespread use of vaccines.

This decline was primarily due to advances in the standard of living, such as improved hygiene, improved sanitation, improved nutrition, the use of sewage systems, the availability of electricity, the chlorination of water, the use of refrigeration and pasteurization. This history is thoroughly documented in the book Dissolving Illusions:  Disease, Vaccines and the Forgotten History, a book by co-authored by Dr. Suzanne Humphries, a medical doctor, Internist and Board-Certified Nephrologist. The book includes, in part, a discussion of the misinformation surrounding the polio and smallpox vaccines, two of the vaccines whose histories have been the most distorted in public-school history lessons.

After reading Dissolving Illusions:  Disease, Vaccines and the Forgotten History, those who understand the role that economic freedom has played in improving Americans’ standard of living will also understand that vaccines and vaccine manufacturers have been given credit for reducing death rates from infectious diseases that should largely be given to economic freedom.


Those bureaucrats who believe they’re qualified to centrally plan and control the population’s immune systems via a lifetime series of mandated vaccines suffer from the same misguided hubris as our bureaucratic economic planners and regulators. They fail to grasp the complexity of our immune systems and the unintended consequences and opportunity costs associated with attempting to manipulate and control them through a policy of forced mass vaccination.

The 10th Amendment

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



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